Sunday, April 20, 2008

Steps and a red bowl...

Brooke made some good progress on the mudroom stairs this weekend. He put in the stained and polyurethened steps with wood adhesive and screws. Next he'll cut out the white wood board to put between the steps, and also finish off the handrail. Then---on to leveling the floor and tiling! Also, I bought an antique red bowl at Sophie's this weekend (remember, it's one of my favorite Chattanooga gift shops!). I've always admired these old bowls, but not usually been able to or willing to afford them. I walked in---this had been $95, and it for $22! I thought that was pretty good! It's a great red for in the living room and while I'm not exactly sure what I'll do with it yet, I know it'll look fantastic when I find the right spot!

A view from the top...
And from the front (notice Boone's little paws!)...
A view from the top of the bowl...
And, a view from the side!


Stephanie said...

Catherine I cannot believe you got that for $22!! I got a lime green one in Nashville about 4 years ago. My grandmother got it for me as a shower gift. They are antique rice bowls. And I just took my friend to a store here in B'ham to get a red one exactly like yours. Both my grandmother and my friend paid $95 though!

Leslie said...

Hey Cat - the house looks great and I love the bowl! I actually think it would look perfect in my house!! Cant wait to see you this weekend!

Kathy said...

Can't wait to see where you put the bowl. What a find!!