Sunday, May 11, 2008

Playing in the dirt...

MUCH work was done this weekend---even if it doesn't seem so! Brooke had 7 tons of dirt delivered on Friday and worked moving it around the house all weekend long. First, he tore up what I called the "nasty parking pad" on the side yard. He pulled up the railroad ties and the dirt pile sits there. The parking pad will be filled in once all of the dirt is moved to spots surrounding the house and will be seeded with grass. We have a very long driveway, and the parking pad really isn't a necessity...just more of an eyesore! Next, he pulled up all of the old bushes that had not been taken care of by previous owners (and probably not the proper plants to grow in such a shady yard to begin with). He also pulled up old landscaping tarp and then graded the beds to slope away from the house. We'll put more mulch in the beds and then the plan is to outline the beds with rock to match the house, plant rhododendrons, native ferns, and other evergreen bushes in front of the house. My thumb isn't the greenest, so we'll see how all of that goes!
This is a picture of the "nasty parking pad" before it was pulled up...

And, here's a picture of the very stick-y and scraggly plants in front of the house.
And the LARGE pile of dirt!
Plants pulled and ready to be delivered to the dump!
Brooke topping off the left side of the house with the good soil.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Great! Looks like you all have been working hard. I just got some rhodendrons and Lowe's has them for $6.98 for the 1 gallon size. You can't beat that.