Sunday, May 11, 2008

A new mailbox!

Yes, an entire post devoted to a mailbox! Our mailbox had been bugging me since we moved in. The poor thing was tilted and banged up, and literally on it's last leg. I think the mailbox is one of the first impressions you get of someone's home, so it better look good! Ours...did not! Brooke took the post hole digger to three different spots near the old mailbox---he hit solid rock only a few inches down on each try. So, we decided to move it to the other side of our driveway. I really like it's new spot and Brooke's very happy that he thinks the postman won't run through our grass anymore and he'll actually get some new grass to grow in the old spot.

The old sad looking mailbox.
And, the post for our new mailbox (you know my husband wouldn't dare put up anything without his level!).
The new box! The actual box is a rust color---they make some pretty cool looking mailboxes these days!
And, the front view---still have to buy 8-0-6 numbers to put on either side of the post. Of course I picked out the most expensive numbers at Lowe's (always). But, they didn't have a "0" anyway, so we're going to look some more. I don't want those typical slanting numbers on there. I'll have to google "cool mailbox numbers" tonight! :)

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