Monday, September 1, 2008


Being out of town the last 7 weekends in a row has been a lot of fun, but it sure has halted our house progress! This weekend we were finally able to do a little cleaning, wash some clothes and finish up a couple of small furniture projects! Brooke finished staining, polyurethening, and painting the table. We haven't gotten it into its final resting place yet, but plan to this week---then a bit of decorating on and around it!

Here's a before shot---dinged and in need of some refinishing!
And here's the table with the new stain and new legs...
And, the first coat of paint with the polyurethene finished on top. This shot makes the paint look more sage-y green. It's really more mossy.
Here it is, finally in the house. We'll move the two pieces of furniture out and place it against the wall. I've been collecting leaf plates for several years now and we'll hang those above the table. I also found a great deal on some neat lamps at Pier 1. We'll see if I end up buying them. I do think they'd look great on the table. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

The table looks even better in person! You find the best deals!