Sunday, December 16, 2007

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

We had a great weekend. Mom and Grandmother came up for the day on Saturday and we had lunch at a cute restaurant downtown overlooking the river, then did a bit of shopping. Grandmother bought us the beautiful wreath for our front door. If you'll notice our roof has a bit of snow! We woke up to flurries this morning. Being from Macon, I'm sure we were a bit over excited about the tiny bit of accumulation!
The "Welcome to Signal Mountain" sign has snow on its roof!
This is a train display that a family on the mountain puts up every year. It's at the entrance to our street, right at the top of the mountain. It's lit at night with a Christmas tree in the train depot. I've seen lots of kids climbing on the train. I'm sure there will be some Christmas card pictures taken in front of this.

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