Saturday, December 8, 2007


Most people that know me know if I could be anything in the world, I would be a decorator/party planner/entertaining specialist. But, for now, I need a salaried job! So, because I'm obsessed with accesories, I thought I'd show some of my latest finds on the blog. Above is a clock that I bought months ago before we dreamed up the idea for the kitchen. Got it at my new favorite Chattanooga shop, Sophie's. Sophie's hasn't yet replaced Isabel's, but it's a Chattanooga version of Isabel's and definitely has some great items. Now I must say that I'm pretty proud of the find because it matches the kitchen perfectly---warm with the wood tone background, cool with the stainless frame and hands. I think we'll find a place in the kitchen that it'll fit perfectly.
LOVE this! Feathered placemats/chargers. I actually did find this at Isabel's (my favortite Macon shop) last year. But, I haven't had the chance to use them, so they're still "new" to me. Great colors, great look. Will be perfect each fall, Thanksgiving, and even into winter.
I found this at the Galleries at Southside in Chattanooga. Modern, yet traditional. It'll probably end up in our dining room with the black and white theme. It was only $20. I think that's a find!
This table runner came from the Signal Mountain Nursery. For those that have never been---when you come visit Brooke and I---we must go. The nursery has amazing plants, but also a fabulous gifts and accessories section. The trim on this is actually tree bark and then the inner section is dried leaves. Again, I love mixing the "natural" look in with the upscale and formal look. This will be great wherever it decides to land.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Love them all, but the runner is fabulous. If you are at the SMN again and she still has them, call me. I'll give you my credit card and get it from you at Christmas!

Everything looks great!
Aunt Frances