Sunday, September 16, 2007

Sunday afternoon work...

A long and slow project...Catherine worked on pulling wallpaper. Only to decide that we'd just re-sheetrock.
Brooke moves into the living room to begin tear down on the bookshelves. We're going to build a pass-through from the kitchen into the living room. This will open up the flow of traffic through the house, and add some light into the living room. And, for those wondering, we are going to paint the paneling. It's gorgeous wood, and original to the house, but it's throughout the entire house with only a couple of bedrooms not paneled. It feels like a cave in there! We may leave the paneling on the ceiling, but we will lighten it up everywhere else.
VERY carefully removing the old tongue and groove paneling. We're saving it to re-do the wall once we're finished knocking the hole through.
The chimney behind the bookshelves.
Brooke inspects his work after chopping a hole into the kitchen.

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