Monday, September 24, 2007

Sheetrock time!

My big project for the weekend---pulling carpet stripping. A crow bar, needle nose pliers, and a screwdriver. Certainly my idea of fun!
The MOST important part of the kitchen---decor! The top fabric is the main fabric, striped fabric is the complimentary fabric, and the paint chip is the wall color---Medieval Times. We're doing a warm gold/beige in the living room and coral in the dining room, so I think the green will go well with those.
Hanging sheetrock---it's finally starting to look like a room again. Do they have any idea what they're doing!?!
Dad was a HUGE help this weekend. We can't thank him enough for taking off a long weekend to spend working, working, working. They finished all of the kitchen wiring, and most of the sheetrock. Thanks, Dad!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Looks like you guys are making some good progress! I knew you secretly liked big home improvement projects. I can't wait to see what comes next.